Sunday, August 30, 2015

Abstract glass plates

I decided to do some abstract glass plates while I wait for the glass paint to arrive.  I prefer to glass paint for the writing.  It will be easier to apply and more vibrant.   I love the oranges and lemon grass.

The feet were a real pain.  The activator is tan.  So the glue showed.  I decide to get a different UV glue.  Much better.  I was a bit rushed.  I look forward to playing with more controlled designs when the ceramic paper arrives so that I can fuse a whole bunch more. 

Almost Ready to Officially Open The Store

Been a busy 2 weeks getting things ready to open the Etsy Store.

Most of the products are listed and packaged.  Just waiting for the boxes to arrive.

The bracelets are ready to go.

I worked on the cards for the shop.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Fickle world of the TEA BAG Plate

There are a lot of steps creating a little plate.

1.   The Design has to be applied

2.  They need to be fused - All the layers melt together:

If there are more than one layer of decoration,  they have to be fired again. 

3.  They get slumped into a mold:

4. They get little feet put on:

The finished plate is ready to make ur favorite tea.  Mine today is Green Ginseng Tea with Citrus Peel and Honey

New Multi-Strand Bracelets

The bags of leather that I have been buying have a lot of strings.  So I found something to do with them.

I am continuing to experiment with some designs.  So I tried these:

Friday, August 21, 2015


I wanted to create something cute and small, so it can be shipped easily.  So why not?  Everyone who drinks Teas needs a place to put their tea bag or strainer.  They are either 2.5" square or 3.5" square.


I have some glass beads I made that are orange and green. They would work perfect. 

I wanted to add some color, but adding stones is more complicated and time consuming .  So I created these so they could be sold as a pair. 

The best part is u can choose the cuff and the color of the bracelet.  They will be sold as a pair -- a cuff and a stone fleur de lis.  

Monday, August 17, 2015


I am just discovering who this Charity is.  Nikki Matthews, on behave of the "Burketeers" is fundraising for this Charity.  A theater company that supports and nurtures youth in the performing arts.  Tom describes it as being close to his heart and he had the pleasure of working with them as a teenager.  Anything to support youth. I am totally on board. So check out Nikki's Just Giving Page. I already donated.

I am bad at fiddling on stuff. 

I started with this 
Me reverting to my infantile self - I think about 2 yrs old! 

Then I ended up with this:

 I like this much better.