Thursday, September 10, 2015

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Tom Burke -Director and Writer of "Gentleman on the Road"

Tom Burke -Director/Writer

You have no idea how exciting it is to find out that Tom has stepped behind the camera.

I am so happy and very excited to see how he translates his written word into a visual narrative.  I see it as a step in the right direction. He belongs behind the camera.  I hope he is sensitive to human interactions and visual stimulation.  I hope he is sensitive to color composition and aware of how different sounds can alter a mood. I have high hopes, and I am fully supportive in any way of his directorial journey.  The Burketeers are behind him as well.  He also, totally needs Cat Helms to help with his artwork. 

I hope he explores the darker side of human behavior and not afraid to discuss the flaws/absurdities in humanity.  

 I have a friend, Mike Jonathan, a Maori Film Maker in New Zealand.  
Director, Writer, and Producer  
Haka Boy Films

I have been so proud of him and his accomplishments.  Jealousy mostly. haha.  I would love to step out of my shell and get more involved in short films. Baby steps.  I have been studying screen writing for a while and I have a stack of concepts/brain storms on paper, but not completed. I have studied character development and subliminal messaging.  Since I am crappy at short stories, I have found a way to express my vivid imagination through screenplays. My dyslexia makes it difficult to translate and convey my visual ideas.  


Thursday, September 3, 2015

New Logo. The Store is open.

Cross Necklaces

I love wood.  I lucked out and found these charms to fit these crosses.  There is so much potential to alter the pieces.  Create a rosary design.  I look forward to playing with these.

New Mutli Strand Bracelet Concepts

I like the idea of creating designs reflecting nature.  I  want to do the elements of the earths as well.  The beads are handmade and not uniform. U know me. No straight lines or uniform shapes.

These are possibly my favorite.  I can write things on the glass.  The dynamic designs and randomness of the glass is exciting.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Abstract glass plates

I decided to do some abstract glass plates while I wait for the glass paint to arrive.  I prefer to glass paint for the writing.  It will be easier to apply and more vibrant.   I love the oranges and lemon grass.

The feet were a real pain.  The activator is tan.  So the glue showed.  I decide to get a different UV glue.  Much better.  I was a bit rushed.  I look forward to playing with more controlled designs when the ceramic paper arrives so that I can fuse a whole bunch more. 

Almost Ready to Officially Open The Store

Been a busy 2 weeks getting things ready to open the Etsy Store.

Most of the products are listed and packaged.  Just waiting for the boxes to arrive.

The bracelets are ready to go.

I worked on the cards for the shop.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Fickle world of the TEA BAG Plate

There are a lot of steps creating a little plate.

1.   The Design has to be applied

2.  They need to be fused - All the layers melt together:

If there are more than one layer of decoration,  they have to be fired again. 

3.  They get slumped into a mold:

4. They get little feet put on:

The finished plate is ready to make ur favorite tea.  Mine today is Green Ginseng Tea with Citrus Peel and Honey

New Multi-Strand Bracelets

The bags of leather that I have been buying have a lot of strings.  So I found something to do with them.

I am continuing to experiment with some designs.  So I tried these:

Friday, August 21, 2015


I wanted to create something cute and small, so it can be shipped easily.  So why not?  Everyone who drinks Teas needs a place to put their tea bag or strainer.  They are either 2.5" square or 3.5" square.


I have some glass beads I made that are orange and green. They would work perfect. 

I wanted to add some color, but adding stones is more complicated and time consuming .  So I created these so they could be sold as a pair. 

The best part is u can choose the cuff and the color of the bracelet.  They will be sold as a pair -- a cuff and a stone fleur de lis.